Thursday 4 August 2011


Computer equipment such as a CPU, disk drives, CRT, or printer

A computer program, which provides the instructions which enable the computer
hardware to work

Computer Types According to Capability


A supercomputer is a computer that performs at or near the currently highest
operational rate for computers. A supercomputer is typically used for scientific and
engineering applications that must handle very large databases or do a great amount of
computation (or both). At any given time, there are usually a few well-publicized
supercomputers that operate at the very latest and always incredible speeds.
Perhaps the best-known builder of supercomputers has been Cray Research, now a part
of Silicon Graphics. Some supercomputers are at "supercomputer center," usually
university research centers, some of which, in the United States, are interconnected on
an Internet backbone (A backbone is a larger transmission line that carries data gathered
from smaller lines that interconnect with it) known as vBNS or NSFNet.
At the high end of supercomputing are computers like IBM's "Blue Pacific," announced
on October 29, 1998. Built in partnership with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
in California, Blue Pacific is reported to operated at 3.9 teraflop (trillion floating point
operations per second), 15,000 times faster than the average personal computer. It
consists of 5,800 processors containing a total of 2.6 trillion bytes of memory and
interconnected with five miles of cable.
Mainframe Computers

thousands, of users simultaneously. In the hierarchy that starts with a simple
microprocessor (in watches, for example) at the bottom and moves to supercomputers at
the top, mainframes are just below supercomputers. In some ways, mainframes are more
powerful than supercomputers because they support more simultaneous programs. But
supercomputers can execute a single program faster than a mainframe. The distinction
between small mainframes and minicomputers is vague (not clearly expressed),
depending really on how the manufacturer wants to market its machines.
Servers / Minicomputers

A midsized computer. In size and power, minicomputers lie between workstations and
mainframes. In the past decade, the distinction between large minicomputers and small
mainframes has blurred, however, as has the distinction between small minicomputers
and workstations. But in general, a minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of
supporting from 4 to about 200 users simultaneously.

These are also called microcomputers. Low-end desktops are called PC’s and high-end
ones “Workstations”. These are generally consisting of a single processor only, some
times 2, along with MB’s of memory, and GB’s of storage. PC’s are used for running
productivity applications, Web surfing, messaging. Workstations are used for more
demanding tasks like low-end 3-D simulations and other engineering & scientific apps.
These are not as reliable and fault-tolerant as servers. Workstations cost a few thousand
dollars; PC around a $1000.

Portable computer is a personal computer that is designed to be easily transported and
relocated, but is larger and less convenient to transport than a notebook computer. The
earliest PCs designed for easy transport were called portables. As the size and weight of
most portables decreased, they became known as laptop computer and later as notebook
computer. Today, larger transportable computers continue to be called portable computers.
Most of these are special-purpose computers - for example, those for use in industrial
environments where they need to be moved about frequently.PDA (personal digital assistant) is a term for any small mobile hand-held device that
provides computing and information storage and retrieval capabilities for personal or
business use, often for keeping schedule calendars and address book information handy.
The term handheld is a synonym. Many people use the name of one of the popular PDA
products as a generic term. These include Hewlett-Packard's Palmtop and 3Com's
Most PDAs have a small keyboard. Some PDAs have an electronically sensitive pad on
which handwriting can be received. Apple's Newton, which has been withdrawn from
the market, was the first widely-sold PDA that accepted handwriting. Typical uses
include schedule and address book storage and retrieval and note-entering. However,
many applications have been written for PDAs. Increasingly, PDAs are combined with
telephones and paging systems.
Some PDAs offer a variation of the Microsoft Windows operating system called
Windows CE. Other products have their own or another operating system.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Quantum Computing with Molecules

Factoring a number with 400 digits--a numerical feat needed to break some security
codes--would take even the fastest supercomputer in existence billions of years. But a
newly conceived type of computer, one that exploits quantum-mechanical interactions,
might complete the task in a year or so, thereby defeating many of the most
sophisticated encryption schemes in use. Sensitive data are safe for the time being,
because no one has been able to build a practical quantum computer. But researchers
have now demonstrated the feasibility of this approach. Such a computer would look
nothing like the machine that sits on your desk; surprisingly, it might resemble the cup of
coffee at its side.
Several research groups believe quantum computers based on the molecules in a liquid
might one day overcome many of the limits facing conventional computers. Roadblocks
to improving conventional computers will ultimately arise from the fundamental physical
bounds to miniaturization (for example, because transistors and electrical wiring cannot
be made slimmer than the width of an atom). Or they may come about for practical
reasons--most likely because the facilities for fabricating still more powerful microchips
will become prohibitively expensive. Yet the magic of quantum mechanics might solve
both these problems.

World Wide Web -1989

"CERN is a meeting place for physicists from all over the world, who collaborate on
complex physics, engineering and information handling projects. Thus, the need for the
WWW system arose "from the geographical dispersion of large collaborations, and the
fast turnover of fellows, students, and visiting scientists," who had to get "up to speed
on projects and leave a lasting contribution before leaving."
CERN possessed both the financial and computing resources necessary to start the
project. In the original proposal, Berners-Lee outlined two phases of the project:
First, CERN would "make use of existing software and hardware as well as
implementing simple browsers for the user's workstations, based on an analysis of the
requirements for information access needs by experiments."
Second, they would "extend the application area by also allowing the users to add new
Berners-Lee expected each phase to take three months "with the full manpower
complement": he was asking for four software engineers and a programmer. The
proposal talked about "a simple scheme to incorporate several different servers of
machine-stored information already available at CERN."Set off in 1989, the WWW quickly gained great popularity among Internet users. For
instance, at 11:22 am of April 12, 1995, the WWW server at the SEAS of the University
of Pennsylvania "responded to 128 requests in one minute. Between 10:00 and 11:00

Apple Macintosh – 1984

Apple introduced the Macintosh to the nation on January 22, 1984. The original
Macintosh had 128 kilobytes of RAM, although this first model was simply called
"Macintosh" until the 512K model came out in September 1984. The Macintosh retailed
for $2495. It wasn't until the Macintosh that the general population really became aware
of the mouse-driven graphical user interface.

IBM PC – 1981

On August 12, 1981, IBM released their new computer, re-named the IBM PC. The
"PC" stood for "personal computer" making IBM responsible for popularizing the term
The first IBM PC ran on a 4.77 MHz Intel 8088 microprocessor. The PC came equipped
with 16 kilobytes of memory, expandable to 256k. The PC came with one or two 160k
Floppy Disks Drives and an optional color monitor. The price tag started at $1,565,
which would be nearly $4,000 today.

Cray 1 – 1 976

Cray 1 – 1 976

world's first "supercomputer," a machine that leapfrogged existing technology when it
was introduced in 1971.
And back then, you couldn't just order up fast processors from Intel. "There weren't any
microprocessors," says Gwen Bell of The Computer Museum History Center. "These
individual integrated circuits that are on the board performed different functions."
Each Cray 1, like this one at The Computer Museum History Center, took months to
build. The hundreds of boards and thousands of wires had to fit just right. "It was really
a hand-crafted machine," adds Bell. "You think of all these wires as a kind of mess, but
each one has a precise length